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Modern-day America is an interesting mix of a culture of convenience and a strong push to undertake independent projects.

What once felt like a chore to most people now presents an exciting challenge.

While self-reliance can make sense for mowing the lawn or painting a room in the house, what about completing a DIY home solar system installation?

What are the benefits of completing this on your own?

1. Save on Initial Installation Costs

When you first mulled a solar installation, you likely considered DIY, contractor, and turnkey options.

The biggest appeal of DIY installations is that you save 10% of solar costs that you would otherwise budget for the installation. 

Considering that the average solar system installation costs between $15,000 and $25,000, you could save up to $2,500 by choosing to do it yourself.

A DIY installation is the best option for homeowners who have the time, the will, and experience working with electrical components.

It also complements tight budgets well. 

2. Know Your DIY Home Solar System Inside Out

How well do you understand the electrical components in your home?

Unless you installed it yourself or recently did some intense work on it, the answer is likely: not very.

When you complete a DIY installation, you get to know your solar system inside and out.

This is crucial if you plan to be 100% off-grid because you don’t have the grid as a backup if something goes wrong.

Solar systems virtually take care of themselves once setup is complete and maintenance requirements are low.

However, all it takes is one mouse to chew through a wire for you to start wondering why the refrigerator isn’t keeping cold.

3. Expand Your DIY Home Solar System with Ease

When you know your system well enough, system expansion also becomes much easier.

That gives you a DIY 10% discount two times in a row.

These are some of the many expansions or upgrades to consider over time:

  • Installing more solar panels on the roof
  • Upgrading the inverter to match more panels
  • Upgrading batteries to lithium-ion
  • Increasing the battery bank
  • Upgrading the solar charge from PWN to MPPT 

4. Pave the Way for Bigger Projects

If your long-term goal is self-reliance and sustainability, solar installation is the right path to take you there.

Once you find the courage and knowledge to tackle this project, everything else seems a lot easier and safer to do.

You could find yourself building stables and patios in no time.

You could also leverage your solar installation skills to help neighbors install their systems.

Charging consultation or installation fees could help you create a lucrative side business with solar becoming mainstream.

In fact, it’s increased by 43% between 2019 and 2020 alone.

Your Partner in Solar

Installing a DIY home solar system is a massive accomplishment.

Working with professionals can ensure you have the right parts, the best knowledge, and the ongoing support you need to tackle the project.

That’s where we come in at Unbound Solar®.

We guide you from system design to turning your power on.

Contact us today – we’d love to talk with you!

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