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An Unbound Renewable Energy Company
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You’ve likely heard that solar energy is greener, more sustainable, and better for the environment than many other energy choices.

But you may not know how many solar panels your home needs. 

Let’s de-mystify solar and look at:

  • Factors to weigh when switching to solar energy
  • Solar benefits
  • How many panels you’ll need to install

Why Choose Solar Energy?

Will a roof full of solar panels take a large chunk out of your utility budget? 

It may. 

While the costs of a system installation can be high, many homeowners experience a significant reduction in their energy bills after going solar. 

By converting your home, you can also:

  • Generate renewable energy
  • Use your panels to generate electricity or heat
  • Spend little to no time maintaining the panels

How Many Solar Panels Your Home Needs

Residential solar panels use photovoltaics – often called “PV” – to absorb sunlight into each panel’s cells. 

After the light is absorbed, the photons create a field of electricity across the panel. 

This electricity then powers daily life inside your home.

If you plan on replacing the total cost of your utility bills with solar energy, you’ll likely need 20 – 25 panels

Also, consider your location, including how much sun your region receives and whether your panels are optimally positioned. 

Roofs that are older, in need of replacement, or obstructed with shade trees are not good candidates for solar panels for apparent reasons. 

You should also factor in how old your roof is when considering how many solar panels to install.

If you’re planning on a roof replacement within the next five years, you may want to budget for it sooner rather than later to install your panels safely. 

Check whether solar panels can be set on your roof if you’re unsure. 

Professionals can give you a more detailed explanation of your specific home needs during an estimate.

Get in Touch to Learn How Many Solar Panels Will Benefit Your Home

Adding a solar energy system to your home may sound more intimidating than it is. 

It’s possible to install your new alternative energy system by yourself.

But to safely attach panels to your roof or other areas around your home, we recommend you call professionals to do the job.

So, contact us for your free estimate and learn how many solar panels you need to power your home. 

We look forward to talking with you!

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